FAQ Tchek

How it works ?

What kind of deliver do I get after processing ?

The analysis gives you access to all the indicators useful to your business : 360° photos of the vehicle, a list of damages with their type, severity and location, a comparison of the damages with a previous passage as well as the costing of repair. All this can be exported as a PDF. If you have a particular need, you only have to formulate it to us and we will adapt.

How does the device Tchek work?

Tchek Scan is 100% automatic and autonomous! In less than 5 seconds the vehicle is inspected. The analysis is triggered as the vehicle passes by, the cameras that equip the gantry take pictures of the entire bodywork from all angles and the system lists and analyses the damage suffered. You are alerted in real time!

Is it possible to differentiate the levels of access rights?

he platform Tchek is designed to adapt to your needs and processes. Your interface can be configured to allow different levels of access to your employees.

How does Tchek App work?

Our solutions are available on the Tchek app. Standardized inspection or car remarketing is possible with your smartphone. Our application guides you to make several standardized shots of your vehicle (framing, brightness, etc.). From this data, our artificial intelligence processes your images and provides you with a detailed report in a few seconds! All the power of AI for image analysis in a single application. At the fingertips of each employee and each site.

Tchek & My business

How long does it take to install Tchek Scan ?

It takes us 3 days to install the device. This includes assembly, installation, testing and training time. And hop on! Here you are in the future of automotive inspection!

How to organize a visit to an already equipped site?

We would be delighted to make you discover the experience, please write us an email with your availabilities or make an appointment directly in our diaries.

How can I be sure that the interface Tchek is compatible with my system?

Thanks to the Tchek API, our digital platform is synchronized with all your usual tools. We don't shake up your habits, we make your daily life easier.

How do I calculate my ROI potential ?

All you have to do is ask! We prepare a preliminary study including a return on investment calculation.

How do I integrate Tchek solutions into my system?

Connect your IT via API. Our APIs serve as a connection or interface for exchanging or receiving data from another application or service, and vice versa. A complete and flexible solution. You will find the documentation you need to integrate the code of your system with our service on request : contact@tchek.fr

Can Tchek process images taken by my own device?

All Tchek products are powered by ALTO AI, our AI-based imaging technology. It can be implemented and adapted to all available formats. That's all our expertise!

Tchek & Management

Do I have to use Tchek Scan to analyze my fleet?

No! Our ALTO image analysis technology also performs on mobile applications.

Is it easy to control the tool?

Our platform is user friendly. Also, our product owner ensures the continuous improvement of your use. And Tchek academy trains you and informs you about your KPIs.

Any Help ? 

When can I contact Tchek's support ?

You can reach support Tchek from 9am to 12pm and 2pm to 6pm Monday to Friday. We told you, we won't let you go!