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How about inspecting any vehicle remotely?

In a few clicks, add your photos and get a damage detection report.

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the inspection for free

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3,000,000+ vehicles inspected

...and many more

How it works ?

Take a picture

From any device, our image capture guide makes taking photos easy for you or your clients.

Our technology works

ALTO AI, our AI-based imaging technology, processes images and identifies the location and severity of damage on a car.
You validate them.

Instant results

Damage and repair costs appear immediately in your application. We set them up according to your needs to fit easily into your processes.

Why should you automatize your UV inspections ?

diag automobile

Enable a 100%
digital experience

By guiding users through an automated vehicle photo capture process, Tchek INSPECT ensures a simple and streamlined online experience for your end customers and employees.

diagnostic auto

Save time and
reduce costs

Tchek solutions integrate with your current processes, saving you time and money. By automating your inspection processes and repair cost estimation, Tchek shortens inspection time and provides real-time results.

diagnostic auto

Improve the quality
of inspections

From car purchasing to automotive quality control, Tchek INSPECT ensures the highest quality and consistency of all your inspections.


expert auto
" In just a few months, we can attest that their unique check-in/check-out comparison solution is reliable and has tripled our operational efficiency in damage detection "
Alba Fernandez, Head of Fleet and Network digitalisation, Europcar Mobility Group
expert auto
In addition to saving time for our employees, Tchek also increases trust from our clients and our suppliers
Clément Leydet CEO PLD AUTO

Try by yourself !

Test the inspection